Legal notice

Impressum – Legal Notice

The following information (Impressum) is required under German law (§ 5 TMG).

Responsible for the content of this site:

Michael Kress

Ferienwohnung Homburg/Saar
Michael Kress
Berliner Straße 104
66424 Homburg


Phone: +49 6841/79992
eMail: [email protected]

German Tax ID: 075/24/03316

Usage guidelines:

Purpose: This website is purely for information about the vacation home offered by Michael Kress to potential users of the apartment; potential users of the apartment can make an inquiry without obligation.

Each of the following types of usage is a violation against these usage policies and is therefore prohibited unless permitted in written form by Michael Kress:

  • Commercial use of the information offered on this site (images, etc.),
  • offer the apartment on any media other than through this medium (website ),
  • commercial use of photos, videos or other recordings that have arisen with a tour of the apartment,
  • any other usage that is not listed here and at the same time does not fulfill the above purpose.

Any usage that does not meet the above-mentioned purpose, causes a contractual penalty of 5000,- Euro (in words: five thousand Euros) to be payable by the user as a debtor to Mr. Michael Kress as the creditor.